Tuesday, January 21, 2014

stout, just like coffee


Ever stop and think about what Jesus must have been telling the disciples before He gave them the opportunity to follow Him? I can't help but to think that they sat down and shared their "first supper" while He told them about the journey He was about to embark on, a journey that was going to flip the world upside down. "This isn't going to be an easy journey.", they must have thought. This was a journey filled with feeding thousands of people at a time, casting out demons, healing lepers, getting mocked and scorned, then finally ending with the death of many of them and ultimately Jesus, who started this whole journey to begin with. What were they thinking?

My mornings typically begin at 5:15am with a cup of Italian Roast bold blend coffee with a touch of hazelnut creamer. Normally I have one or two cups a day. . . unless it's finals week, then I get a little crazy and suck down 4-5 cups a day. Now, I consider myself a lover of coffee. I enjoy many different blends but ultimately my favorites are bold blends. Bold blends are like bursts of flavor that shoot through my body. All of the sudden I'm alive and ready to take on the world!

So back to the question, "What were the disciples thinking?" Why would they choose to follow this man that was going to lead them down a road filled with nasty leprosy covered people, demoniacs that ran around naked, cleaning up after thousands of people, getting made fun of continually, and finally ending with them dying? I believe that the disciples got a taste of the coffee, they got a taste of what Jesus really had to offer. An abundant life. A supernatural life. An Eternal life spend with the Creator of the universe. A life spend with the one who spoke and the world was formed. And they He told them that they would have that SAME power living in them. 

This was the disciples first taste of that bold blend coffee. It was something they had never had before and they realized it was what they had been missing. This was coffee they wanted to drink everyday. The negative effects diminished in the sight of the  monumental benefits. My question to myself this morning was "Have I had my "Jesus coffee" today?" I had some yesterday, and the day before that, but have I had it today. 

Have you had your coffee today?